Ministry for Adults aged 60+
Summit Ministries is Geyer Springs’ one-stop answer to the interests of senior adults (adults 60+). Its purpose is to address the spiritual and social concerns of senior adults and to assist them in engaging in a variety of ministries supported by the church.
Sunday Morning Sunday School
Every Sunday morning, Geyer Springs offers both large and small Bible-focused Sunday School classes in a variety of formats: men, women, singles, and couples. Although most classes focus on a particular age grouping, all ages are welcome.
Summit connections
On most Mondays of the year, seniors meet together at 10:30am for a ministry-oriented program and a prepared meal. The primary aim of this weekly gathering is to help senior adults connect with ministries available both within the church and in local organizations whose goals are compatible with those of Geyer Springs.
midweek chapel
Each Wednesday at 11:00am, senior adults gather in Sanders Hall for an hour of fellowship, singing, and hearing a message from God’s Word. Services are also streamed live on Facebook and recorded for future viewing. Visit https://www.facebook.com/geyerspringsfbcsummitministry.
summit weekly newsletter
Each week, Summit Ministries emails a flyer alerting senior adults to upcoming events designed with them in mind. If you would like to be added to our weekly newsletter, please let Annette Alexander know at [email protected] or by calling the office at 501-455-3474.
Pastoral care
The Pastoral Care arm of Summit Ministries is designed with a primary focus on individuals who are homebound or shut-in. Its purpose is to help these individuals remain connected with the church’s many programs and opportunities.
other activities and ministries
- Periodic and seasonal special event programs promote fellowship, worship, service projects, and outreach among senior adults. You should ask about some of the recent programs that have been offered!
- Short and long-term bus trips offer opportunities to travel to places both near and far.
- Griefshare and Naomi’s Circle offer short-term and long-term support groups for women who have lost spouses.
- Men’s activities include a broad variety of opportunities for men to engage in fellowship and ministry. Scheduled activities include quarterly men’s breakfasts as well as monthly care group meetings for men who have lost their spouses.

Senior Adult Staff:
Dr. Tim Deahl || Senior Adult and Pastoral Care Pastor || [email protected]
Dr. Ross Woodbury || Pastoral Care Associate || [email protected]
Annette Alexander || Senior Adult Ministry Assistant || [email protected]
Dr. Ross Woodbury || Pastoral Care Associate || [email protected]
Annette Alexander || Senior Adult Ministry Assistant || [email protected]